Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Search Engine Relationship Chart

I thought the Search Engine Relationship Chart was very interesting because I did not know the correlation between the specific search engine and how results are included. It shows that Google is basically the internet king and rules over all the other search engines. Now I understand how I go to different search engines and receive slightly different results. I liked how I could see what specifically powers the search in a sense.

I am still learning all this website lingo and whatnot but after researching Google, I did not know that the Meta description and keywords have little influence on Google's rankings. I would have thought previously that keywords were very influential based on what we have learned so far. Google's ranking are due to factors such as how many links are aimed towards which page and such. Google, I've concluded, knows everything and it's a little scary!

The next one I read about was AskJeeves. What really popped out to me was the use of the butler in the logo. I know this really isn't too web specific but it was really interesting to me because I never knew that the use of the butler symbolizes the servitude the service brings for users finding accurate information without effort, like a butler. Now that I think about it, it was very smart idea because I didn't even realize one of the reasons I liked this search engine so much!

I did not know Lycos was one of oldest search engines. I don't think that shows to much because I have never cared for this search engine. I think this website is a weaker version of Yahoo. The site to me looks cluttered and I have never really cared for the results either. I also did not know they were partnered with Terra, and I never knew what Terra was either. It is a Spanish and Portuguese speaking online company.

The automatic URL I found very easy to use and helpful as well!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

8:28 PM  

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