Sunday, April 16, 2006

Google AdSense

I have done numerous hours of research on the web before this project on how to make a profit online. I think it would be great, especially for someone who loves computers like myself, to be able to work at home and make some sort of income. The best revenue that I have seen is definitely this Google AdSense programs. There are spin offs to these programs as well, such as with Yahoo!, who incorporate the same idea. Another way to earn a profit online I have found is selling something either with an online store, e-bay, dropshipping, or being part of an affiliate program. There are ways of course to make a few pennies, such as signing up from a program such as Clickbank, which sends you e-mails and you make pennies off of each one you read, but this is a slow process. Google Adsense seems the most profitable and wise because once you set it up, you can literally sleep and have the profit come in. Another aspect that amazes me with these online ways to make money is how many programs they have to “get rich”, “never work again”, etc. where you have to pay the start-up fee or for the manual. When I go to sites such as those, they make me laugh and I honestly wonder how stupid people are to actually attempt these methods.

However, I have attempted to use AdSense numerous times, and each time I am rejected. I give different e-mail addresses, and I am not sure if it is just me or if they are further restricting who they give permission to. When this idea first came out, my brother put it on his Myspace account. However, he got it taken away from him because he clicked on his own account too many times. This is a big no, and Google can track where each hit comes from so that was not one of his best ideas. However, I have designed websites before and attempted to sign it up with Google Adsense, and been rejected. I researched as to why this could be the case. I found that Google is making it more restricted as to who they allow to have these accounts. They look for websites that are not just one page, but numerous ones, and they have to be professional. I am going to try it again for this blog, but as the case has been I am sure I will get another letter saying that they did not accept my application. I also tried adding AdSense to my blog in the beginning of the semester as well, but got rejected, but will try again today. In order to remove the public service ads, I had to take it out of the html formatting.

I thought it was funny that even with the link you gave us about Google AdSense that the person was STILL trying to make a profit off of it by giving 4 out of his 5 top ways. Another thing I have noticed with websites that try to reap in profit off of some sort of project only have 1 page for the site. It tells everything off of the one page, no matter how long it is. And the END of the page is the part where it asks for the money, and 99% of the time it says how it is on sale for a limited time, but we all know that’s a lie and it’s just how the web page is set up.

I have seen many websites that are based on earning revenue from putting Adsense on it, and then putting a bunch of affiliate links. The content on these sites are horrible, and it is so obvious as to what the person is trying to do. If you look at the hyper link on the different links posted on a website like this, you will notice a bunch of letters and numbers instead of just the normal URL. I look for this when I am clicking on different sites. For example, I go to to book some of my flights. The creator of there has to be very wealthy because they are earning some sort of revenue by each time the reader clicks on a flight, and even more when they purchase it. If I had the capability, I would love to create a website that uses every single airline and make a profit off of it. This is an example of having the profit made in a good way. The best way I think to make a profit off of AdSense by creating a site would be to make an informative one about something you know about, and then putting the ads in. I also think that the person should find a topic-related affiliate link or two, and that can help revenue as well. The websites that have bad content and it is really obvious why they created the website should be removed from the web, or at least have their Adsense account deleted because it brings the quality of the web down even more.

This is definitely something I will continue to pursue; I feel it’s a great idea. Again, I love computers and if I could work on them at home instead of at an office or other job, I definitely would want to. If I am ever able to set up some type of successful website and make money while I am sleeping, that seems like the Internet Dream.

On a later note, I have found out that I am not allowed to attempt the Google AdSense again with this blog. I tried to log in, but it just stated:

Account Not Active
An AdSense account does not exist for this login, as it is associated with an unapproved application. For more information about your application, please review the message we sent to the email address you provided with your application.

So it seems I am not able to attempt again with this Blog, because it already shows that I attempted to sign up for it :(

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Titanic: Special Effects

Special effects have the ability to make a movie more interesting, and realistic. Once impossible to realistically convey, the use of special effects makes it possible. Explosions, natural disasters, monsters, and gory bullet scenes can all be created with the use of these special effects.

Most of my favorite movies do not contain very many special effects, but one movie I remember the numerous special effects was Titanic. I remember seeing that movie in 7th grade and being in awe of how real some of the effects were produced. This movie actually won the Academy Award for best visual effects. I have not seen the movie for a while, but it was definitely one that I remember for the use of special effects. It has the huge boat, of course, but I also remember the huge iceberg that was hit and how the special effects made it look realistic. Smaller things also use special effects, as well. I remember seeing a dolphin jump up and down a few times by the "ship", for example.

Many of the visual effects were produced by Digital Domain, and they used both CG and miniature models to depict the ship. Miniatures were used for underwater and bow-to-stern shots of the ship, and a CG version was used for the ship extensions. An interesting thing I learned was that Digital Domain created hundreds of passengers, many of the paintings on the ship, smoke, and some water elements digitally. I found this information at I was able to find quite a few photos of the ship, but it was harder then I expected to locate other areas of the movie where special effects were incorporated.

Most of the shots in the movie had some type of special effect. Without the special effects, the movie could have never been created to generate any type of revenue. However, I realized how costly special effects can cut into a film's budget. The movie Titanic's final budget was around $200 million! However, it was worth it because it is the biggest box office hit in history, and has grossed over $600 million. I looked up the numerous awards that Titanic won at, but there are way too many to name and I had no idea that many awards were even given out!

I have seen many movies where the special effects have been instances such as gun shots, tornados, and types of monsters. I believe this movie stands out in its' own right, even though it was created almost 10 years ago and technology has increasingly advanced. Titanic has gone down in history, and will continue to form it's right as a classic, and this is heavily due to the special effects that were implicated.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Urban Legend

An urban legend appears mysteriously and disperses many different ways. It incorporates elements of humor or horror, and usually is told for storytelling. Urban legends do not have to be false, but most turn out to be.

  • The first urban legend I had never heard of but thought was interesting was when a class decided to teach their teacher about conditioning, and 'teach' him to lecture by the trash can. This is done by paying attention when he is near it, and be loud and disruptive when he is away from it. I think people could fall for this because it is not too extreme, and creative. Perhaps this is an example of something that people want to believe, so they do.

  • The next urban legend I read was about a man that took his dog out for a walk every night. However, he was sick one night and the women had to do it. The dog lead him to an attractive female's house and there was a piece of meat waiting for the dog, and it showed her husband cheated on her every night. Again, this could be an example of people believing the story because they want to. A dog could also be conditioned after going there every single night to leading the wife there, so this could be true. Many people are caught cheating on their significant other, so people could believe this is just another true story of someone getting caught.

  • The last urban legend I examined was about a virus named 'An Internet Flower For You.' It gives a warning not to open an e-mail labeled this because your computer will not be able to boot up if you do. This is definitely one I would see people believing to be true, although it is not. There are many viruses through the web, labeled with names like the one proposed, that are true. This is one urban legend that I would probably believe.

I read through many different urban legends, however I could not find very many that I have heard before. Most urban legands that I have easy access to are on the internet, and sent by e-mail. However, I have a tendency to just delete these e-mails because I get way too many forwards that I am just not interested in reading. However, I found one that I had heard of. This urban legend was about 2 students who missed their exam, and told their professor that they had a flat tire. Their make-up exam then just asks one question, "which tire'?”. I have heard of this one, and I thought this was a clever story that was just made up. There is no proof that this happened, but it is something that could have been concocted and followed through with.

I believe the Internet is so prone to urban legends because it is so easy to access and send them. The ones I have read have been easily sent through e-mail, and it's easy to read them as opposed to researching in books and such for them. People can read what is sent to them or what they read online, and whether or not it is true they can send it. Urban legends are something that are not stopping anytime soon via the web, and I believe they are going to get even more fictional and crazier.

The Face of Communication

Q:Does a communications medium that depends on the written word rather than videos reduce cultural, class, ethnic, age and gender bias?

A: I thought the novel was a great idea because it shows that extraordinary ideas are not only the result from the stereotypical, intelligent adult. I do believe that a medium that relies on the written word rather then videos has the capability to greatly reduce different bias, but not eliminate them. Perhaps the idea of the person's culture, class, ethnicity, age, and gender could be hinted through the writing, such as giving more favor to the low class person, indicating the person is not rich. However, through writing this fact is not known for sure, so I think the reduction is enormous. The novel idea gives great insight into how beneficial the web can be.

Q: Some evidence suggests children who spend their free time in front of a television or computer screen tend not to read and write. Do you think that e-mail, discussion groups, and chat groups can offset this tendency?

A: I believe that e-mail, discussion groups, and chat rooms can be a great alternative to a child just reading and writing. I do not believe one way is greater then the other because each has can have positives and negatives to the other. For example, when a child just read and writes there is no interaction or exchanging of ideas amongst their peers. This can be seen as negative for just reading and writing, or positive for e-mail, discussion groups, and chat groups. However, when a child just uses means such as e-mail, discussion groups, and chat groups they may not be reading content they want to or reads other ideas as opposed to creating their own. This can be seen as positive for reading and writing, and negative for online use. Therefore, I think it can offset the tendency, but the best idea that children should be taught is a good balance of both.

Q: Can you give an example when online communications would have been preferable to face-to-face communication?

An example of online communications is more preferable to face-to-face communication would be getting to know someone through dating services. I am not really interested in such services, but I can imagine that it is a good way to know the person's personality before meeting them. Some people may look at someone and not even give them a chance where there is a face-to-face communication because they are not attracted to them. However, if they meet online perhaps they could reveal their personalities to each other before passing judgment on looks.