Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Two Lives, Same Goal

This song is kind of grotesque, but catchy :)

Sometimes I feel like I have a double-life, and I enjoy every minute of it. During the day, I work in marketing, primarily utilizing social media in a multitude of different ways from blog posts, Facebook, Twitter, Hoot Suite, Four-Square, Linked-In, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, get the picture(or the Flicker, if you will)? But at night I do what I call "turning up the marketing switch" and become a brand ambassador to quite a few different liquors. I go from being behind the scenes, to in-your-face-look-into-my-eyes-and-drink-what-I-say-because-I'm-pretty-and-it-will-make-you-just-like-me attitude. And let's just say the outfits aren't acceptable while corporate America is awake.

I love marketing, and the difference in the marketing I do is night and day, and why I feel like I live in two worlds and have the best of each.


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