Thursday, October 21, 2010

Talk Is Cheap.

I don't know about you, but when I need to know anything about anyone, a pure Google will let you know what there is to know about the person. These days people claim to be these social media gurus yet have nothing to prove for it. How can you honestly lie about your social media experience when all anyone has to do is Google you? You have Twitter? You have Facebook? Four-square? Linked-In? That's funny I guess Google can't find you. You must be the exception. Oh really? You manage 20 social media networks? Links, please. And guess what. If you don't give me the links - that's fine. I will find them myself. Oh funny, you claimed to have 20,000 followers. A couple extra zeroes must have accidentally slipped in. I bet Google is to blame.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Two Lives, Same Goal

This song is kind of grotesque, but catchy :)

Sometimes I feel like I have a double-life, and I enjoy every minute of it. During the day, I work in marketing, primarily utilizing social media in a multitude of different ways from blog posts, Facebook, Twitter, Hoot Suite, Four-Square, Linked-In, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, get the picture(or the Flicker, if you will)? But at night I do what I call "turning up the marketing switch" and become a brand ambassador to quite a few different liquors. I go from being behind the scenes, to in-your-face-look-into-my-eyes-and-drink-what-I-say-because-I'm-pretty-and-it-will-make-you-just-like-me attitude. And let's just say the outfits aren't acceptable while corporate America is awake.

I love marketing, and the difference in the marketing I do is night and day, and why I feel like I live in two worlds and have the best of each.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Don't Have Beef With People. I Have Tofu.

“We all love animals. Why do we call some ‘pets’ and others ‘dinner’?"

I stopped eating fish after I saw The Little Mermaid when I was ten.

No, seriously. How can you eat Flounder after he helped Ariel find the love of her life? Or eat crab after getting to know Sebastian on a personal level? So I quick, cold-tofu.

I stopped eating all types of meat when I was in high school. I am not one to judge people if they decide to eat meat, I just know it's not for me. And never will be.

So what do I eat do you ask? Tofu. Vegetables. Fruits. Cheese. Hummus (yum). You can still go the bad route and stock up on the fried food, but given my new journey as of yesterday I don't think that's a good idea :)

I (currently) live in South Florida, and there are actually quite a few great locations to grab some vegetarian-friendly food. This blog has a great variety for us vegetarians (my absolute favorite is Sub-Lime, no questions asked):

I am not preaching here, just try something new! And who knows, tofu may end up becoming your next favorite food!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blog this.

our prime purpose in this life is to help others. and if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them. -dalai lama

I have been working on everyone's social media but my own. My company has over 15 social networks, and an entire blogger community that I post for, and I have yet to post to this blog for an extremely long time!

So let the blogs ensue. But tonights will be short. Like my run. I decided to run the ING Marathon in Miami, FL in January. Today was day #1 of training. Didn't get very far. My goal is to run the marathon at a 8:30 pace. AKA Boston Marathon pace. That's what I am known for. Take a goal, and make it a journey.

Welcome to my life. Again.